Tuesday, December 22, 2015

"What You're Doing"

Backdated, archival post

[link to original on tumblr]


A while after I listened to Beatles for Sale two weeks ago, I remembered that years ago I'd learned the recurring guitar phrase in "What You're Doing."  I re-learned it recently and got a few more parts too.  I figured out most of the chords on my own, but I did refer to The Beatles Complete Chord Songbook and made a correction.  Also, I figured out a truly minuscule part of the piano part.  There's an A note to accompany the "me" in "It's me."  I doubled it at the octave, but I'm not sure if that's accurate.

My recording cuts out a bit early compared to the original (also, it starts later because there's no way I could have done the opening drum part).  The tag at the end is made up of the same elements from the verses, so I didn't think I really needed to include it.