Sunday, October 23, 2016

"I Saw Her Standing There"

Backdated, archival post


Like I mentioned at the end of this post, I figured out how to play (most of) the bass part for "I Saw Her Standing There" after I read that Paul McCartney based the musical figure on that in Chuck Berry's "I'm Talking about You."  I'm still having some problems with the rhythm during the guitar solo, so this is the bass part up until that point.  At some point, I'm going to notate what I know of this (I already notated Berry's "I'm Talking about You," so it should be pretty easy), and I'll write a post about the figures (which - indeed - are the same).

They're in different keys though.  "I'm Talking about You" is in C major, and "I Saw Her Standing There" is in E major.  The Beatles recorded a cover of "I'm Talking about You" on the BBC (it's on the second Live at the BBC album), and they changed the key from C major to E major, so the figures in their cover and in "I Saw Her Standing There" match exactly.