Wednesday, November 28, 2018

"The Night Before"

I watched Help! back in June, and during the sequence for "The Night Before," I noticed that the bass part for the verses lookt to be mostly fourths and fifths.  I sort of forgot about this until late October, when I learned most of the bass part.  While I was writing it out in early November, I figured out the sections I was missing (the bridges).

Here's the notation, but - as always - there's the disclaimer that I might have something wrong (I'm a bit suspicious of some of the note and rest values in the introductory section, but I'm pretty sure I have the right pitches, at least):

Monday, November 26, 2018


An-other thing I noticed when I listened to The Beatles last week is that in "Julia," both "shimmering" and "glimmering" in "Her hair of floating sky is shimmering / Glimmering" are sung with melismas (A G# F# D for each).  To some degree, this gives a sense of the meaning of those words, specifically the wavering involved in both.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

"I'm So Tired"

Thursday was the fiftieth anniversary of the release of The Beatles (22 November 1968).  I listened to the album and found a couple small things to write about.

I'm surprised I hadn't noticed this before, but some of the "so"s in "I'm So Tired" are sung with melismas (either B A B or C# B A B), indicating the degree of tiredness.