Monday, October 30, 2023

"Dizzy Miss Lizzy"

Yester-day, I listened to Live at the Hollywood Bowl and noticed some significant melismas in "Dizzy Miss Lizzy."  In order to write this post, though, I referenced the studio recording.

In the lines "The way you rock and roll" and "When you do the stroll," "roll" and "stroll" are both sung with melismas (I think they're E D C# and E C# A, respectively), musically giving a sense of movement.

In the line "Love me 'fore I grow too old," "old" is sung with a melisma (B A), giving a sense of degree (for "too"), and similarly, in the line "Ooh, girl, you look so fine," "fine" is sung with a melisma (E C# A, I think), giving a sense of degree (for "so").